DETAILS: This tattoo was emailed to the blog from a reader. THANK YOU SARA!
Owners Description: My husband is a tattoo artist and he did this Twilight tattoo for me.
Edward Quote: "Look after my heart, I've left it with you" Eclipse pg 95
My boy Orlando was in the building a couple days ago. He flew in from new jersey to get a portrait of his father, "Don Vicente." Orlando was here with his best friend Anthony and it was a blast. We had a lot of work to do but we also had lots of fun. Between jokes and stories from each of us, We had a really good time! Thank you guys, here is the result of the session...
Name Tattoo and Free Name Tattoo Designs
Somebody said that what is in the name? Even so, now-a-days this definition is going wrong because the generation and trend changes with time. Name is special identity of an individual. Our names distinguish us from others but many of us having an alike name with same spell. So how we distinguish from each other? The answer is by our nature, habit and personality.
Name is strong foundation to build your life and personality. Many of young generation people started to impress their presence with tattooing name tattoos on body, and these tattoo styles vary according to personality of individual.
In some ancient era name tattoo, symbols represent power and greatness of that person .Their names identify them as higher level of citizens like kings, God Servants and, etc.
Question is that why we choose a name tattoo designs now-a-days? The reason behind that is everybody's try to define him as part of this modern civilization.
Name tattoo of love ones on the body represents emotional linking with the particular person and his valuable presence in that individual’s life.
I am not sure what type of name tattoo designs you are searching for, but here we have great collections of free name tattoo designs .I hope many of them are more useful for you.
Hey guys, this is collection of free name tattoo designs if you like name tattoo just make it save in your collection, so enjoy tattooing.
Go on tattooing!! Get crazy name tattoo designs and enjoy!! Cheers!!
DETAILS: This tattoo was emailed to the blog from a reader. THANK YOU JOANNE!
Owners Description: "My left wrist tattoo is Kristen Stewart's autograph from a poster she signed one of the 7 times I've met her! I got this autograph tattoo not just to have Kristen's name on me but to remember an amazing time in my life! I've been a fan of Kristen's since panic room and being her fan has taught me so much! Since Twilight it's been easier to meet her and through her I met so many wonderful people! She is my idol and inspires me to love who I am and be who I am no matter what people say! Having this tattoo will remind me of what she's taught me and a huge chapter in my life filled with excitement that I never want to forget! Thanks and sorry I rambled but this tat means a lot to me! (Got it done March 31, 2012 so only 2 weeks ago)."
Kristen Stewart (Plays Bella Swan/Cullen) Autograph
Owners Description: "My left wrist tattoo is Kristen Stewart's autograph from a poster she signed one of the 7 times I've met her! I got this autograph tattoo not just to have Kristen's name on me but to remember an amazing time in my life! I've been a fan of Kristen's since panic room and being her fan has taught me so much! Since Twilight it's been easier to meet her and through her I met so many wonderful people! She is my idol and inspires me to love who I am and be who I am no matter what people say! Having this tattoo will remind me of what she's taught me and a huge chapter in my life filled with excitement that I never want to forget! Thanks and sorry I rambled but this tat means a lot to me! (Got it done March 31, 2012 so only 2 weeks ago)."
Kristen Stewart (Plays Bella Swan/Cullen) Autograph
DETAILS: DETAILS: This tattoo was emailed to the blog from a reader. THANK YOU LAURA!
This quote appears in Breaking Dawn Part 1 when Edward is speaking about Bella at the wedding reception. It is also in the Trailer. Edward says "No measure of time with you will be long enough, but we'll start with forever"
Note: There are a couple of variations of this quote around, that is because Edward says it a little bit different in the trailer and the movie.
This quote appears in Breaking Dawn Part 1 when Edward is speaking about Bella at the wedding reception. It is also in the Trailer. Edward says "No measure of time with you will be long enough, but we'll start with forever"
Note: There are a couple of variations of this quote around, that is because Edward says it a little bit different in the trailer and the movie.
DETAILS: This tattoo was emailed to the blog from a reader. THANK YOU JODI-LYNN!
Click HERE to see Jodi-Lynn's other TwiTatt!
Owners Description: "Today (4/12/2012) I received my second Twilight inspired tattoo for my birthday complete with the vampire bites. The quote on this one is "La Tua Cantante" and it means "your singer". It is the Italian saying that Aro uses in New Moon when he describes how Bella's blood appeals to Edward. :)"
Aro Quote: "La Tua Cantante" from New Moon Movie, Translated from Italian means "Your Singer". Edward explains - "They have a name for someone who smells the way Bella does to me. They call her my singer — because her blood sings for me."
New Moon pg 490
Click HERE to see Jodi-Lynn's other TwiTatt!
Owners Description: "Today (4/12/2012) I received my second Twilight inspired tattoo for my birthday complete with the vampire bites. The quote on this one is "La Tua Cantante" and it means "your singer". It is the Italian saying that Aro uses in New Moon when he describes how Bella's blood appeals to Edward. :)"
Aro Quote: "La Tua Cantante" from New Moon Movie, Translated from Italian means "Your Singer". Edward explains - "They have a name for someone who smells the way Bella does to me. They call her my singer — because her blood sings for me."
New Moon pg 490
If you follow the lowrider family i don't have to present to you a good friend of mine Miguel Ochoa. For a couple years now Miguel has been puting it down with his lettering styles as well as fine line black and grey. Yesterday after everybody shut the shop down Miguel and i stayed in order to seal his piece. It was a real honor that homie let me filled his last gap on his right forearm right next to Jun's and Abey's work. Here his a view on Miguel's arm. Check it out...
Tattoos on Neck and Tattoo Neck Designs
The main reason behind making tattoos on different body parts is the tattoo bearer s wants to expose themselves as who they are, what they stand for, and how they have chosen to live his or her life. Tattoos on the neck are so popular because they are easily highlighted and convey messages.
As we think about fashion today, tattoos on the neck have a greater trend .Small tattoo neck designs are specially for women’s it represents her intention and the girl wearing it feels it add to her overall appeal rather than overtaking it like a larger tattoo would do. Some popular tattoos on the neck are butterflies, hearts, stars, and other shapes that may have personal meaning to the person. People wearing their tattoo neck design because they want to compliment their personal style.

Another favorite style in tattooing is rounding manner and covering whole neck area. In men barbed wire is the most liked tattoo neck design, and women likes thin chains of hearts.
Tattoos in the back of the neck are very comfortable because it can be easy to exposed and comfortable to hide with outfit or long hairs. Many people who work in corporate fields prefer to have neck tattoos in the back side.
Now a days many celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Rihanna and other famous people going with tattooing that shows increasing global acceptance of tattoos. In the past tattoos that had some form of cultural significance but today its trend and fashion.
Tattoo and Best Tattoo Designs for Tattooing

While many clients choose a tattoo which is either simple and basic, such as individual’s name or initials, or a detail which is completely unique and specific to him/her, there are a bunch of tattoos, which are widely popular.
Very popular designs are tattoos of Native American . It represents the Native American culture no issue about its tribal meaning. It only chose because it looks attractive.
Oriental designs are also very trendy. The best tattoo parlors carry a great collection , ranging from elaborate artwork to smaller designs. Some of those which are most popular includes the Chinese symbols for luck, prosperity, eternity, harmony, and love; the zodiac signs, etc.
That whoever believes in religion and have a significant factor of their lives, a tattoo of a religious symbol can be a permanently displayed expression of this. Religious tattoos from the most elementary small crosses to vast artwork defining Saints and Jesus.
Welcome to the world of tattoos, this blog is going to provide you best tattoos designs and best tattoo ideas and also great collection of tattooing artist's magical touch creations.
Here is a early look into some portrait i started this week. Check it out...
Perla got a portrait of her young brother that passed away 2 months ago in a tragic car accident. It's always an honor when people trust you for such a delicate piece.
Alan came in to get a portrait of his uncle that also passed away. During the tattoo Alan went through his uncle's life and it remains a really humble man that has been helping people durring his entire life.
My boy Adrian was back at the studio to keep adding on his sleeve with 3 roses symbolising the members of his familly. Have a look
The next day after geting out of the marine corp Anthony went straight up for the hand shot... Check it out
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