DETAILS: This tattoo was emailed to the blog from a reader. THANK YOU JOANNE!
Owners Description: "My left wrist tattoo is Kristen Stewart's autograph from a poster she signed one of the 7 times I've met her! I got this autograph tattoo not just to have Kristen's name on me but to remember an amazing time in my life! I've been a fan of Kristen's since panic room and being her fan has taught me so much! Since Twilight it's been easier to meet her and through her I met so many wonderful people! She is my idol and inspires me to love who I am and be who I am no matter what people say! Having this tattoo will remind me of what she's taught me and a huge chapter in my life filled with excitement that I never want to forget! Thanks and sorry I rambled but this tat means a lot to me! (Got it done March 31, 2012 so only 2 weeks ago)."
Kristen Stewart (Plays Bella Swan/Cullen) Autograph