DETAILS: This is my tattoo. I have 3 Twilight Tattoos, this will be my last one.
You can see the others HERE and HERE.
My Description: "My friend and I went to get our tattoos together, see her's HERE. It was Cynthia's idea to use Edward's Handwriting and that was perfect! I added a little heart over mine because it just felt appropriate.
I wanted one more Twilight Tattoo, a final one. An EPIC one. I've had people design me tattoos, I've run competitions and I've been searching for ideas for a very long time. Sitting in the cinema with my friends sobbing at the end of Breaking Dawn Part 2, it appeared on the screen. One single word. FOREVER. I knew that was the word I wanted. That summed up everything for me. It started off as just being about the books, and oh I adore those books, but it's about so much more than that now. It's about this new life that Twilight has awoken in me. I will be forever grateful to the Twilight Series for the friends I've made, the people I've met, the places I've been and the love I've shared. I make no apologies, I make no excuses, and people can judge me all they like. I am one of those people with a Twilight Tattoo (3 of them actually) and I wear it proudly."
The font is Edward's Handwriting as it appears in the books.
There are MANY references to Forever through The Twilight Saga.
Breaking Dawn, Pg 754 (Last Page, Last Line).
"And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever"
DETAILS: This is my friends tattoo. THANK YOU CYNTHIA!
Owners Description: "I chose Forever because it's a way to remember the series, experiences, the friends I've made and the memories that will stay with me "Forever".
The font is Edward's Handwriting as it appears in the books.
There are MANY references to Forever through The Twilight Saga.
Breaking Dawn, Pg 754 (Last Page, Last Line).
"And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever"
Owners Description: "I chose Forever because it's a way to remember the series, experiences, the friends I've made and the memories that will stay with me "Forever".
The font is Edward's Handwriting as it appears in the books.
There are MANY references to Forever through The Twilight Saga.
Breaking Dawn, Pg 754 (Last Page, Last Line).
"And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever"
Here is a look into a memorial tattoo I did the other day. When I hear the stories behind some of the tattoos that I do, it reminds me of the real meaning behind sacrifice and dedication. Some people lose their lives in order to protect others… Have a look.
Rihanna Tattoos and Its Meanings
Rihanna is a famous celebrity addicted with tattoo and tattooing passion. More than 50,000 people searches Rihanna's tattoos per month approximately, so I am going to provide information and designs of famous Rihanna's tattoos.
1. Music Note Tattoo on Her Ankle
These are two symbols that represent musical note and her passion about music. This is a type of foot tattoo or ankle tattoo.

It is first time that any celebrity tried tattooing in side ear, Yes you read right it is star shaped tattoo, which has been created inside of her ear.
3. Pisces Sign Tattoo Behind Right Ear
Pisces is set of small star symbols .This Pisces tattooed on her right ear and covered almost all right side of her neck. This tattoo represents her creative and expressive character.
4. Sanskrit Prayer Tattoo on Her Hip
The first four words are meaning : Forgiveness, Truth, Repression, Calmness and rest of words not visible due to cloths . :)
This is encouragement tattoo, and it gives spiritual strength to Rihanna.
5. ‘love’ Tattoo on her Left Middle Finger
This was created in the year of 2008 and tattooed on left hand middle finger, but it is not easy to observe as compare to her other body tattoos.
6. Arabic Phrase Tattoo on Her Ribcage Area
This tattoo is placed on the left side of her ribcage. This tattoo meaning is ‘Freedom is god’. This is made after lots of thinking about which body area is going to target this time.
7. A Trail of Stars Going Down Her Back Tattoo
This is set of beautiful stars spread down to her back in shape of ‘S’. This tattoo represents beauty and just pure beauty.
8. The Date Tattoo on Top of Her Left Shoulder
Many people said that tattoo on her left shoulder XI-IV-LXXXVI represents her date of birth, but it’s wrong it is a birth date of her best friend and assistant Melissa Forde.
9. Henna style dragon claw with Hawaiian Hibiscus Flowers Tattoo
This tattoo is a symbol of relationship between Chris Brown, and Rihanna. Chris also have this type of tattoo.
10. A Handgun Tattoo
There are many rumors behind this tattoo like her relationship drama with former boyfriend Chris Brown.
DETAILS: This tattoo was emailed to the blog from a reader. THANK YOU AMBER!
Owners Description: "The family Crest :) why Because it has so much meaning to it when its broken down according to the one book I own, each symbol stands for: The hand above the lion means a pledge of faith, sincerity and justice. The Lion is of passant design and means dauntless courage. The three clover like symbols under the lion are called Trefoiler or Shamrock (three leaf plant) and it means Perpetuity, Time without and end, or simply put eternity. I liked what it meant and in the book I'm team Edward, and this book helped me get thru my break up with my 1st boyfriend it let escape into a different place and time. It sounds cheesy but Edward saved me from many bad things"
Cullen Crest
Owners Description: "The family Crest :) why Because it has so much meaning to it when its broken down according to the one book I own, each symbol stands for: The hand above the lion means a pledge of faith, sincerity and justice. The Lion is of passant design and means dauntless courage. The three clover like symbols under the lion are called Trefoiler or Shamrock (three leaf plant) and it means Perpetuity, Time without and end, or simply put eternity. I liked what it meant and in the book I'm team Edward, and this book helped me get thru my break up with my 1st boyfriend it let escape into a different place and time. It sounds cheesy but Edward saved me from many bad things"
Cullen Crest
DETAILS: From Instagram "zaragtattoos"
Bella Cullen Quote: "And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever" Breaking Dawn, Pg 754 (Last Page, Last Line).
Owners Description: "My 3rd tattoo...yes it's Twilight related I'm "dazzled" by Edward but made my family part of it too...Each star is a birthstone color of each of my kids, husband and mine. (: They "dazzle" me everyday! I got this summer of '09."
Edward Quote: "Do I dazzle you?" Twilight Pg 168
Owners Description: "My 3rd tattoo...yes it's Twilight related I'm "dazzled" by Edward but made my family part of it too...Each star is a birthstone color of each of my kids, husband and mine. (: They "dazzle" me everyday! I got this summer of '09."
Edward Quote: "Do I dazzle you?" Twilight Pg 168
Owners Description: "It’s a quote from Twilight. “Don’t forget to breathe” written in My girlfriend’s handwriting. We’ve been together for 3.5 years, and we have a son together. I wanted to get something special, without getting her name on me, so her handwriting"
Bella Quote: "Don't forget to breathe," Twilight Pg 464
Owners Description: "It’s a quote from Twilight. “Don’t forget to breathe” written in My girlfriend’s handwriting. We’ve been together for 3.5 years, and we have a son together. I wanted to get something special, without getting her name on me, so her handwriting"
Bella Quote: "Don't forget to breathe," Twilight Pg 464
Edward Quote: "We’re getting married, Charlie. I love her more than anything in the world, more than my own life, and – by some miracle – she loves me that way, too." Breaking Dawn Pg 15.
Quote: "Plus Que Ma Propre Vie" In Breaking Dawn, Bella buys Renesmee a locket for Christmas with this French inscription. Translated it means "More than my own life".
Edward Quote: "We’re getting married, Charlie. I love her more than anything in the world, more than my own life, and – by some miracle – she loves me that way, too." Breaking Dawn Pg 15.
Quote: "Plus Que Ma Propre Vie" In Breaking Dawn, Bella buys Renesmee a locket for Christmas with this French inscription. Translated it means "More than my own life".
Owners Description: "And tattoo number 9 today, done by Nick at UMD, my very first #Twihard related tattoo. Part of a quote from Edward “And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…” #sigh #gah #Twilight :))))"
From the quote "So the lion fell in love with the lamb" Twilight Pg 274.
Owners Description: "And tattoo number 9 today, done by Nick at UMD, my very first #Twihard related tattoo. Part of a quote from Edward “And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…” #sigh #gah #Twilight :))))"
From the quote "So the lion fell in love with the lamb" Twilight Pg 274.
DETAILS: From Instagram "joey_sweetheart"
This quote appears in Breaking Dawn Part 1 when Edward is speaking about Bella at the wedding reception. It is also in the Trailer. Edward says "No measure of time with you will be long enough, but we'll start with forever"
Note: There are a couple of variations of this quote around, that is because Edward says it a little bit different in the trailer and the movie.
This quote appears in Breaking Dawn Part 1 when Edward is speaking about Bella at the wedding reception. It is also in the Trailer. Edward says "No measure of time with you will be long enough, but we'll start with forever"
Note: There are a couple of variations of this quote around, that is because Edward says it a little bit different in the trailer and the movie.
Owners Description: This Tweet Said: @ROBSTENERLMP: My twilight tattoo!!!!! @TwilightSaga_UK @Twilight #forever #twilight 5 aaaamaZing years to forever :-)
There are MANY references to Forever through The Twilight Saga.
Forever also symbolises the eternal love for the series.
Breaking Dawn, Pg 754 (Last Page, Last Line).
"And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever"
Feather is reference to Edward and Bella's Honeymoon in Breaking Dawn pg 89.
Owners Description: This Tweet Said: @ROBSTENERLMP: My twilight tattoo!!!!! @TwilightSaga_UK @Twilight #forever #twilight 5 aaaamaZing years to forever :-)
There are MANY references to Forever through The Twilight Saga.
Forever also symbolises the eternal love for the series.
Breaking Dawn, Pg 754 (Last Page, Last Line).
"And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever"
Feather is reference to Edward and Bella's Honeymoon in Breaking Dawn pg 89.
DETAILS: Thank you to Eleanor for allowing me to post this tattoo.
"Forever" using the Twilight Font.
There are MANY references to Forever through The Twilight Saga.
Forever also symbolises the eternal love for the series.
Breaking Dawn, Pg 754 (Last Page, Last Line).
"And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever"
"Forever" using the Twilight Font.
There are MANY references to Forever through The Twilight Saga.
Forever also symbolises the eternal love for the series.
Breaking Dawn, Pg 754 (Last Page, Last Line).
"And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect piece of our forever"
Aro Quote: "La Tua Cantante" from New Moon Movie, Translated from Italian means "Your Singer". Edward explains - "They have a name for someone who smells the way Bella does to me. They call her my singer — because her blood sings for me."
New Moon pg 490
Aro Quote: "La Tua Cantante" from New Moon Movie, Translated from Italian means "Your Singer". Edward explains - "They have a name for someone who smells the way Bella does to me. They call her my singer — because her blood sings for me."
New Moon pg 490
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